Drug Offences

July 25, 2016
Custodial Sentence - Criminal Lawyers Sydney George Sten & Co

Custodial Sentence – Criminal Lawyers Sydney

1. What is a custodial sentence? A custodial sentence is a judicial sentence that involves being imprisoned. Custodial sentencing is usually reserved for more serious crimes but each state has their own...
July 24, 2016
Drug Offences - Drug Lawyer Sydney - George Sten &Co

Are some prescription drugs illegal?

It is an offence to possess drugs such as methadone and benzodiazepines without a doctor’s prescription. However, if a doctor has prescribed Valium for example, possession in such instances is considered...
July 23, 2016
Drug Offences - Drug Lawyer Sydney - George Sten &Co

Drug Offence Charges, Penalties Sentencing & Fines |Sydney Criminal Lawyers

Drug Offence Charges, Penalties Sentencing & Fines If you have been charged with a Drug Offence you need to speak with a Criminal Lawyer immediately the Criminal Lawyers at George Sten are available...
July 23, 2016
Drug Charges at Dance Parties

Drug Use, Possession and Supply at Dance Parties and Music Festivals

Introduction to Drug Charges at Dance Parties Drug Charges -  Unfortunately, dance parties and music festivals have become synonymous with drug and alcohol abuse. At major and minor music events, New ...
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